
Compound v2 Overview

This dashboard showcase some of the most important metrics for Compound Finance’s v2 of the platform - with data available since May 7th, 2019.

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ETH Locked in DeFi

This dashboard showcases the amount of ETH (or WETH) locked in some of the biggest DeFi Platforms

DAI Locked in DeFi

This dashboard showcases the amount of DAI locked in some of the biggest DeFi Platforms - Note: This refers to multi collateral DAI

Evolution of DeFi Platforms

This dashboard showcases the evolution some of the biggest DeFi Platforms - by tracking the number of users, interactions, and amount of ETH locked at the same time

Maker SCD Overview

This dashboard showcases some of the most important metrics for the Maker DAO Single Collateral DAI system - including a CDP explorer

bZx Fulcrum Overview

This dashboard showcases some of the most important metrics for the bZx Fulcrum lending platform - with data available since May 31st, 2019.

DeFi Interest Rates

This dashboard showcases the borrow and supply APR’s of some of the biggest DeFi Lending platforms. Daily data available across 8 platforms and 19 tokens.

Augur Events

This dashboard showcases the ETH balance in the biggest Ethereum decentralized prediction market, Augur. It also displays the events that occur on the prediction markets created.

Synthetix Overview

This dashboard showcases some of the most important metrics for the Synthetix platform - including token prices, trade volumes, and an exchange explorer - with data available since February 26th, 2019 for the exchange, and current day data for the Overview Stats.

Uniswap Overview

This dashboard showcases some of the most important metrics for the Uniswap Decentralized exchange - including liquidity provider stats, exchange volumes and growth.